Please review and follow these guidelines to ensure a positive experience for all players
Welcome to RegaliaMC! Our rules are designed to create a fun, fair, and friendly environment for everyone. By playing on our server, you agree to follow these guidelines.
Staff members reserve the right to issue warnings or penalties at their discretion. Remember that ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for breaking them.
Treat all players and staff with respect. Harassment, bullying, hate speech, or discriminatory language will not be tolerated.
Do not destroy or modify other players' builds without permission. This includes stealing items from chests or containers that don't belong to you.
The use of mods, clients, or any tools that provide an unfair advantage is strictly prohibited. This includes X-ray, fly hacks, speed hacks, auto-clickers, etc.
Do not advertise other servers, websites, or services in chat or through direct messages.
Do not impersonate staff members or other players. This includes using similar names or claiming to be someone you're not.
Do not flood the chat with repeated messages, excessive caps, or unnecessary symbols.
Keep all conversations appropriate. No explicit, offensive, or mature content in chat.
Please use English in public chat channels to ensure everyone can understand and participate in conversations.
Do not share links to inappropriate, harmful, or malicious websites.
Do not create devices or contraptions designed to cause server lag or disrupt gameplay.
All player trades must be fair and honest. Scamming other players is not allowed.
If you discover a bug or exploit, report it to staff immediately. Exploiting bugs for personal gain is prohibited.
PvP is allowed in designated areas only. Spawn killing, camping, or harassment through PvP is not permitted.
Keep a reasonable distance between your builds and those of other players unless you have permission to build nearby.
All builds must be appropriate. Offensive, explicit, or inappropriate structures will be removed.
Use the land claim system to protect your builds. Unclaimed builds are at risk of modification by other players.